Monday, October 28, 2013

She Did The Hash.

I remember when the only time I referenced the word hash was with hashbrowns.

Mighty tasty.

I also remember when the only time I referenced the word tag was with a childhood game where you ran around trying to tag somebody else to be "it."

My how times have changed.

And I'm not sure that I like it.

But now hashtags are everywhere! It's monstrous!

And anybody can create one (sort of like a blog?).

And that, my friends, is the problem.

I predict that soon hashtags will no longer be a viable source of redirecting traffic to your... post, tweet, photo, video, take yer pick.

I think they started out being useful, grouping like topics together, so you could find all sorts of links to the subject that was interesting to you at the moment.

But when we've gone from #obamacare to #whydoesmylittletoehurtlikeamothaanditsallredandswollencoulditbeazombienip?

We've gone too #far.


And now I'm off to find some #triedandtruehashbrownrecipes.


B.S. #isQuirkyreally back? #groanshe'sstillusingBS? #can'tshegetaclue #soyesterday #yawn #why'dshechangeherblognameandaddress #doesthismeanshe'sfinallynewandimproved? #onlytimewilltell